Testimonials for Presentations and Writing Workshops
“I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at the Bay Path University program on Narrative Medicine. It was delightful and I am thinking of exploring the program further.” Attendee, Trauma, Illness and Writing to Heal
“If you ever get a chance to meet Ms. Greaney or attend one of her workshops, I highly recommend it. She is a delight to listen to ... very clear and demanding speaker who holds your attention, makes you laugh, and says a lot of very true things that make you think, and keep thinking ... the overall impression is of kindness, hilarity, and respect.” Participant, Unicorn Writers Conference, CT
“Through your writing you have touched so many people, which is an accomplishment few can claim. I love reading your writing!”
“You really seemed to connect with all of us in the audience, and you said so many things that made sense to me as a writer.” Participant, National Writers Digest Conference, New York City
“I know our students got a lot out of your presentations." Writers Digest National Conference, NYC
“In the 10 years of our program, yours was the best and most polished presentation.” — Director, University of North Florida Irish Studies Program
"Thank you for the writing advice," — Participant, The Examined Life Conference, Carver School of Medicine, U. Iowa
Áine is a talented and experienced instructor who gave honest and meaningful information. I left with new-found knowledge as well as inspiration. This workshop was money and time very well-spent!” - Participant, Pioneer Valley Writers Workshop
“What a beautiful, warm, meaningful event that was! I'm so glad I was able to participate. You did a great job and I can see that this work is so aligned with who you are.”—The North Shore Cancer Resource
"The presenters were knowledgeable in their topic, and I enjoyed this presentation. I also learned a lot of about journaling as part of a social worker's self-care." —Participant, Youth at Risk Conference, Salem State University
“I thought you led a fabulous group and got us all going into areas we didn’t even suspect we’d travel to in the course of a day and a half. I do appreciate a really good workshop leader, and you are among the very best”— Student, The Cape Cod Writers Center
“I don’t know how you did it, but you got me writing again.” —Student, New Hampshire Writers Project