personal Essays, Articles and Media Interviews

Personal essays on Relationships, Life Changes and Milestones. I also write a lot about big holidays.

Personal Essays On 21st-Century USA

Personal and Opinion Essays on Immigration

Recent Guest Blogs, Media Interviews

Interview on health and wellness writing at 495, the blog of Merrimack Valley Magazine

The Write Space interview at Creative North Shore

Irish 'Mommy Dearest' Character as a Literary Trope at Books and Movies.

Writing presentation interview at Write Angles

On being an immigrant writer at Books in the City.

What Rejection Teaches Us at Lori’s Reading Corner.

Author interview at The Writer's Place.

Guest post, "Re-finding Your Writing Groove" at Savvy Verse and Wit

Interview At 'The Fem' Magazine 

Copyright 2011-2030, Aine Greaney